Twisted Creations takes their environmental responsibility seriously. As such our goals are to minimise environmental impact. Discuss and educate the public on the safe use and disposal of balloons.
Twisted Creations is a member of the Pro Environmental Balloon Alliance. Members of PEBA do not support, or condone, nor will we facilitate the deliberate release of balloons. This is a view that Twisted Creations has held ever since joining the industry.

Balloons when used correctly bring a lot of joy, excitement and colour to your event. It may be a child with a balloon sword or butterfly wings, a helium balloon bouquet to celebrate a birthday, a balloon arch or centerpiece at a wedding. Our aim is is to make everybody more aware of what we do when the fun is over. How do we clean up after an event? The simple solution is to pin it and bin it!
Latex balloons are biodegradable. It has been said that they degrade at the same rate as an oak leaf, but actually how long this takes is still not very precise and many factors can affect this. Environmental factors such as the sun and rain can greatly affect this process. Experiments are currently in progress by PEBA members to gauge and test these facts.
The majority of our latex balloons are by Qualatex, the brand owned by the Pioneer Balloon Company. Where all latex sourced from Rainforest Alliance certified farms. They help preserve the the rainforest and provide a much needed income for the farmers. I’m sure we can all agree that having more trees has a positive impact on our environment?
So, why are some groups calling for a balloon ban?
Unfortunately some anti-balloon groups are calling for an all out ban on balloons. Without differentiating the type of balloon, it’s use and it’s disposal. Balloons often become grouped with other items including single-use plastic bottles, fishing line/nets and cigarette butts (which all rank higher for litter in our seas). Quoted figures for the impact of balloons are taken out of context, photos faked and facts twisted to meet their needs.
As a PEBA member, my opinion is that education and a balanced approach is essential. Likewise I share the opinion of some environmental groups where the pollution and litter in our seas needs to reduced. That balloon releases cause litter in our countryside and seas. Further, I also share the opinion that wildlife has the potential be harmed by litter that may inadvertently be eaten or be entangled in.
The RSPCA has a page on their website that explains what litter in our environment can do. In addition, they also have a very informative document on balloon releases.

If you would like to discuss anything you have read above or heard elsewhere about balloons please get touch. Please contact me where we can discuss and move towards the ultimate goal of protecting our countryside, seas and wildlife.
As professionals in our industry Twisted Creations commits to proactively engage with customers, clients and the wider public. Furthermore to educate and inform them of the risks and correct disposal of balloons.
Further information is available on the website